Department Directory

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        Hearing impaired use 711

        评估员’s Office 
        Kimberly Adams, 评估员
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, Suite 6 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2130 (775) 887-2139 Fax 

        Board of Supervisors 
        Lori Bagwell, Mayor
        Stacey Giomi, Supervisor Ward 1
        Maurice White, Supervisor Ward 2
        Curtis Horton, Supervisor Ward 3
        Lisa Schuette, Supervisor Ward 4
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, Suite 2 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2100 (775) 887-2286 Fax 

        建筑 & 安全 (Division of Community Development)
        108 E. 普洛克特圣. 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2310 (775) 887-2202 Fax 

        十大电子游戏正规平台 License (Division of Community Development) 
        108 E. 普洛克特圣.
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2105 (775) 887-2202 Fax 

        City Manager’s Office 
        Nancy Paulson, City Manager
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #2 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2100 (775) 887-2286 Fax 

        Clerk-Recorders Office
        Scott Hoen, Clerk-Recorder 
        Courthouse/885 East 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2260 (775) 887-2146 Fax 

        Code Enforcement (Division of Community Development)  
        108 E. 普洛克特圣reet 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2599 (775) 887-2278 Fax 

        Community Center/娱乐 (Division of 公园 & 娱乐) 
        851 E. 威廉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2290 (775) 887-2256 Fax 

        Community Development 
        Hope Sullivan, Director 
        108 E. 普洛克特圣. 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2180 (775) 887-2278 Fax 

        Cooperative Extension
        2621 Northgate Lane, Suite 15 
        卡森城, NV 89706 
        (775) 887-2252 (775) 887-2065 Fax 

        District Attorney’s Office 
        Jason Woodbury, District Attorney
        Courthouse/885 East 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2070 (775) 887-2129 Fax 

        District Court Clerk (Division of Clerk-Recorder) 
        Courthouse/885 East 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2082 (775) 887-2177 Fax 

        选举 (Division of Clerk-Recorder) 
        Courthouse/885 East 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2087 (775) 887-2146 Fax 

        金融 Department 
        Sheri Russell, Chief Financial Officer
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #3 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2133 (775) 887-2107 Fax 

        火 Department 
        Sean Slamon, 火 Chief
        777 South Stewart Street 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2210 (775) 887-2209 Fax 

        健康 & Human Services 
        Nicki Aaker, Director
        900 E. 长 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2190 (775) 887-2248 Fax 

        Human Resources 
        Melanie Bruketta, Director
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #4 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2103 (775) 887-2067 Fax 

        Information Technology
        Frank Abella, Chief Information Officer
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #7
        卡森城, NV 89701
        (775) 887-2160   (775) 887-2288 Fax

        Justice Court/Municipal Court 
        Thomas Armstrong, Justice of the Peace, Dept. I
        Kristen Luis, Justice of the Peace, Dept. II
        Courthouse/885 East 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2121 (775) 887-2297 Fax 

        Juvenile Court
        1545 East Fifth Street
        卡森城, NV  89701
        (775) 887-2038  (775) 887-2036 Fax

        Juvenile Detention/缓刑        
Ali Banister, Chief Juvenile 缓刑 Officer 
        740 South Saliman Rd 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2033 (775) 887-2036 Fax 

        垃圾填埋场 (Division of 公共工程)
        3600 Flint Drive
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 882-6066 

        Tod Colegrove, 图书馆 Director
        900 North Roop Street 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2244

        婚姻 Bureau (Division of Clerk-Recorder)    
        Courthouse/885 East 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2084 (775) 887-2146 Fax 

        公园 & 娱乐 Administration
        Jennifer Budge, Director 
        3303 Butti Way, #9 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2262 (775) 887-2145 Fax 

        Public Guardian (Division of City Manager's Office) 
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #1 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2295

        Darren Schulz, Director 
        3505 Butti Way 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2355 (775) 887-2164 Fax 

        采购 & 合同 (Division of City Manager's Office) 
        Carol Akers, 采购 and 合同 Administrator
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #2
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 283-7137 (775) 887-2286 Fax 

        Recorder's Office (Division of Clerk-Recorder)
        Courthouse/885 East 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2260 (775) 887-2146 Fax 

        Senior Center 
        Courtney Warner, Director
        901 Beverly Drive 
        卡森城, NV 89706 
        (775) 883-0703 (775) 883-2869 Fax 

        Sheriff’s Office 
        Ken Furlong, Sheriff
        Sheriff's Administration/911 E. 拉 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2500 (775) 887-2026 Fax 

        财务主管’s Office 
        Andrew Rasor, 财务主管
        City Hall/201 N. Carson Street, #5 
        卡森城, NV 89701 
        (775) 887-2092  (775) 887-2102 Fax

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